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Dress Code

Little Oak Middle School students are required to wear uniforms to school every day, unless a designated dress down day has been offered. Students must follow the St. Tammany Parish guidelines when wearing “dress down” attire. Our PTA sells spirit shirts which can be worn on Fridays and our various clubs and grade levels also offer shirts that can be worn on Fridays. The school uniform consists of a navy blue or white polo-type shirt and khaki (cotton or twill) bottoms. The Little Oak logo is optional. However, NO EMBLEMS or LOGOS are allowed except the optional school approved logo on all uniform shirts. This includes monograms, monogrammed emblems and patches, and/or embroidered pictures of any kind. The bottoms must be plain khaki, and may not contain any logos and/or stripes on them.

Girls may wear khaki shorts, skorts (skirts with shorts attached underneath), pants, or jumpers. The minimum length is at the fingertip when standing erect with arms extended down the sides as stated in the St. Tammany Parish Handbook. Clothing items that are too tight are not permissible.

Boys may wear khaki shorts or pants as long as they conform to the parish dress code policy–baggy pants that will not stay up at the waistline are not allowed. All shorts and pants should be secured at waist level.

Boys and Girls may wear undershirts underneath the school uniform shirt. Undershirts that are worn underneath the school uniform shirt, whether they are short or long sleeved, must be a solid color that coordinates with the school uniform. The undershirt should not hang below the hem of the uniform shirt or the uniform sleeve. When sweatshirts or outer garments are worn over the uniform, the outer garment may not hang below the hem of shorts and/or skorts. Uniform bottoms must be visible at all times. Long sleeve undershirts may be worn underneath the school uniform during inclement weather (below 40 degrees). Leggings are only allowed during inclement weather (below 40 degrees), and they must be a solid color that coordinates with the school uniform. The following colors are acceptable navy, white, black, grey, khaki. No jeggings, patterned/neon leggings or leg warmers are allowed at any time. Any article of clothing with suggestive symbols, words, or advertisements of products or substances prohibited by STPPS are not allowed. Students cannot wear clothing items/articles that are intended to make a statement.  Students are not allowed to wear another school’s outerwear, such as sweatshirts or jackets.  Due to safety issues, earrings should not hang lower than one (1) inch. Nose piercings of any kind, including studs, are not allowed. Extremely long fingernails are also not allowed due to safety issues. Hoods, hats, caps, and bandanas are not to be worn on campus during regular school hours. Hoods or winter hats may be worn outdoors while on campus during inclement weather (below 40 degrees), but must be removed when entering the building. Hair must be clean and a naturally occurring hair color. Sculptured hair styles will not be permitted. Pictures, symbols, letters, numbers, etc. will not be permitted. Ornate headbands, such as cat ears, are not allowed, as they can be a potential safety hazard. Headbands on the forehead are also not allowed. For your child’s safety, appropriate shoes should be worn for the classroom and the playground. Tennis shoes should be worn on Physical Education days. Slip-on style shoes, or high heeled shoes or boots, are not preferred for school. Regarding face masks-solid colored, patterned, and designed masks are allowed. “Gaiter style” masks are not allowed. Face masks, at this time, are not required but are permitted for all adults and students who choose to wear them. Please refer to the District Handbook for Students and Parents for additional information regarding dress code policies. Uniform checks will be performed periodically during the school year. Please be sure that your student(s) meet the uniform guidelines at all times.